Sunday, February 8, 2009


Adam Larson / Caustic Logic
The Frustrating Fraud
February 8 2009

Well, this is my first Frustrating Fraud post since my Lloyd's cab piece on November 2 last year, so in over three months. No I have not been "suicided," in case anyone was concerned. I had to step back a bit from the quiet, corpse-strewn battlefield I was still thrashing about in. Once backed off and returned to civilian life, I find, lo and behold, I am obsessive - if not with blogging about the ridiculousness of flyover clowns, then about avoiding the same. I can't promise I won't return and finish up some stuff, but I certaily can't promise that i will. I have much better things to do, and finally am actually doing them. Thanks all who read for reading. Long live rationality.


Anonymous said...

Keep fighting the good fight!! Don't give up, if you do then Ranke will continue to do what he is doing with no interference.. Please continue!

Caustic Logic said...

Hey thanks for the kind thoughts. My original experiment was to see if it was possible to force the CIT (and other such) to admit they were full of shit using just reason - unfortunately like some sci-fi creation, they only feed on any rays of interference I shoot and grow larger when folks try to 'neutralize their info.' It was fun for a while watching the stupid swell in on itself, but I doubt I could work up the energy to jump back over this wall and pretend again... I put A LOT in last time, so...

If you'd like more FF-style stuff, it's there. I'm sure no one's checked it all, so skim the sidebar, find some gems, pretend it's new, use it in your own fight if you have one. The namebase is good - 177 names IIRC with stupid quotes and stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

Actually Ranke's and P4T's journey is pretty much over. Darn, I even took down my stuff and went over to JREF. Aside from a few loony toons floating around, saying the same old thing over-and-over-and-over, not much going on.

Caustic Logic said...

Hey John! Yeah, there are no winners in this fight, it's all a Q of who has the most fun losing.

See ya at JREF!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. People like Farmer, the Italian bloggers, and yourself are all putting out some great stuff on the Pentagon.

Scott S.

Caustic Logic said...

Farmer esp. Check out his latest evidence finds at JREF's 9/11 CT forum. (He's 911 Files). I'm retired from this stuff. :D

Steve W said...

I've been following your blog for years..thanks for wading eyeball deep in effluent so we didn't have to.
I had high hopes for P4T when they first started - I envisioned intelligent arguements from qualified people in the Aviation Industry crushing the myths and folklore surrounding whatever the hell went on that day.Tragically,I think they are one of the worst bunch of truthers out there.
Anyway..just wanted to let you know your work is appreciated.
One request though Caustic..You used to have a couple of articles on Pearl harbour..I started reading it a while ago,but I got you have a link to them?

Caustic Logic said...

Thanks Steve! I have all that stuff on a different blog page covering False-Flag-ish stuff, my main focus now so I appreciate the interest. Lately I'm digging into the USS Liberty and dabbling into the Maine and next Tonkin Gulf. Pearl Harbor posts are all linked to here:
Others in the side bar there. No "smoking guns" there either, but plenty of evidence and some possible disinfo. IMO Stinnett is the Balsamo of the 12/7 Truth Movement. Nah, more like Fetzer.

Anonymous said...

this is the 1st time I've ever seen something negative about P4T? From what you would call "the inside". Ofcourse, they have been critisized by the OCT supporters for years, but like I said, 1st time I've herd this. I recently found out John Lear worked for the CIA. I also liked Lear, but now things are making sense a little. He seems so sure of himself. Explain more, how and why are P4T done, and their time is up? Any links to pilots that disagree with them? I've been told by a pilot, that somethings P4T claims are totally incorrect, totally! Is there anybody on the record, debunking them?

Caustic Logic said...

Oh no, we're just kidding. PfT are the most professional, respectable, and totally correct people you'll ever meet. That Rob B is a True American Patriot.

Caustic Logic said...

And then, presuming your question was real and you haven't looked yet, you can use Google. For my part, try Balsamo and "cherry pie," for others try their group name, "debunked," "air fones," "final data," etc. I'm not a big expert on who's said what on all the PfffT misfires. They are a group of professional clowns uttering serious sounding but absurd words.