Adam Larson / Caustic Logic
The Frustrating Fraud
January 1 2008
Updated Jan 15, 1am
Among the low-lying evidence of a 757 strike at the Pentagon, as illustrated in this graphic from the ASCE's Building Performance Report, is a 50x30 foot ventilation/exhaust structure, presumably just renovated along with the rest of wedge one it was set about 75 feet away from. Joined to the building by underground tubes, and populated with multiple sub-structures, this area was directly beneath the left engine's purported low-level path of destruction. The vent structure is recessed, set into a slight hillock of that curiously unmarked lawn, so it might seem odd this is where the one part of the plane truly inches above the ground would leave a mark. It is effectively invisible in many long shots except as a pair of doors propped against each other, as in this Jason Ingersoll shot below. The area is surrounded by a low concrete lip, perhaps two feet high at its east side, and having suffered damage to the south wall (the left side above, the remaining portion visible as a wedge near the cable spool).

Up close and prior to foam application, in this cropped section of a Darryl Donley picture, we can see the south wall more clearly. The missing portion of wall is not inconsistent with the bottom edge of a 757-scale engine. To its left is the broken helicopter locator light, one at each west corner of the structure, and apparently both broken. Much of what lies beyond that here is in the further background, but the squared metal structure piled with burning debris is worthy of note - it almost looks like a miniature dumpster already filled with debris.

This valuable photo
presented by Jean-Pierre Desmoulins (white labels are his), taken days later during the clean-up, and seen from above shows the south wall damage, lack of
something, a naked squarish footprint surrounded by plywood at the entry corner (lower right). It also shows the lack of a back (west) wall, although it seems to cleanly gone, and I'm wondering if there ever was one. The 'doors' are still propped open but the whole unit at a different overall position and angle than seen earlier. The side facing the camera, on its far end, seems to be missing a corner, or is perhaps curved. Keep this in mind. Also note the labeled pile of debris to the right, including it seems that dumspter-ish thing also moved from its initial post attack position, and possibly piled with more debris from elsewhere. I've drawn on a sample plane trajectory (not verified as 'official' but it'll be close) that helps illustrate how both were moved, first by the plane/event, then again during cleanup. The possible
limited foundation damage I've located, a foot or three below this, is also along the same line implied by the damage within the vent structure.

Here are some useful very close-ups of the doors, from three Ingersoll shots, in which it's clear they are propped open by a rectangular object off-cenetered between them (green-gray). Note different lip styles on each door, apparently designed for inter-locking, and a long section of black molding hanging off the left door at a smal bit of missing far corner(?). Note the hinge arm thing and possible power cables hanging under the right door. Hinge arm, unclear half-tube shape and more cables hanging under the left. In the top shot note also in the background a tipped Bobcat dozer/forklift, a possible clue to what was going on there at impact time. In the bottom shot note a pile of dark stuff on the right door, the 'grime line' previously discussed, and faintly the broken, bent section of lip, which is revealed as well in this Jocelyn Augustino photo from September 17. Note that with the object propping the unit open removed, the left side seems to sag at an odd angle.

This Ingersoll shot from after the collapse at 10:15 shows the doors or whatever exactly that structure is, the tops of the intact structures, and what seems to be the top of another higher structure, its right half pushed down and its edge twisted.

Steve Riskus' shots fail to clear this point up, and all shots I've seen show only edge and none show its top. All I can say is it seems to
have a top of some size, its edge seems to be bent there, it's set far from the south wall, and at about a 45 degree angle between the two walls rather than square. Shots from as early as the night of September 12 show only the concrete footprint of it bracketed with the wood railing seen during cleanup, and so this photo I found (not sure who took it) seems to be from the late afternoon of 9/11 itself. Though washed out, it offers a unique view of the vent structure where we can see under this lid and also see the edge of its footprint (perspective is tricky here).
Using this and Ingeroll's best shot of the lid edge, I made this composite:

Again the overhead shot with more photo comparisons. Perspective issues can be tricky, and also remember things are moving around in the days after.

The new shot I located showing both the 'scorched debris' and the bent 'door' is a Jocelyn Augustino photo (index no. 1890, available at
this link), cropped to save space. Looking at the metal, note the coloration, the perforrated square panels, relatively weak construction, griills and flap - ventilation material, warped and burnt. Then compare the boat-looking panel with the overhead shot of the doors - overall shape, size, color, the curved section, the 'grime line' and upper lip, the angle of a scrape across it leading to the broken, bent lip, all present and proportional. It's unclear if the right door/other half of this structure, or its base, is even there in this shot, but that's the one and that's the curve we have to work with.
I certainly have not seen any reasonable non-plane fakery explanation for this point. concrete, one structure apparently bent and scraped out, and anpther structure spun aside, one of its doors severely deformed. There is certainly no simple bomb that will do this, this would have to be arranged elaborately in advance.
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