Saturday, March 22, 2008


Adam Larson / Caustic Logic
The Frustrating Fraud
March 22 2008

The Cooperative Research History Commons is a mammoth and growing body of collected data on a host of world topics. It’s run by the Center for Grassroots Oversight ("CGO"), which was formed in late 2006 and known before that as the Center for Cooperative Research. Founded by Paul Thompson and supported by donations and a slew of researchers, this group was responsible for the Complete 9/11 Timeline and all its sub-categorical variations so frequently-cited by 9/11 researchers (anything with attached). The most important aspects of this were also compiled into the 2004 master tome The Terror Timeline, which I eagerly bought and have thumbed through excessively, as can be seen by looking at my copy (below).
I was deeply honored that they approached me last year to help update their entries relating to the Pentagon attack and Flight 77 and related developments. They couldn't get Pickering I guess but I was game. I was in touch with Mr. Thompson himself but my main contact was member Kevin Fenton, who showed me the ropes and helped much with editing and advice. With so much emphasis on solid sources, and proper formatting for each entry, it was natural for me to procrastinate completion, and to focus on quality over quantity for what I did finally contribute. So for the record and to have them all referenced in one spot, these are the six entries I submitted (always in way too long a form at first)
- The ASCE's Pentagon Building Performance Report
- Background of the ASCE investigation
- Punch-out hole not explained in reports
- Another entry on the punch-out exit hole
- My most important contribution - the 330-degree loop before impact
- And an entry about Rumsfeld's 2001 missile "admission."

I feel bad that I never pulled my full weight relative to what Kevin had to outlay to get me going, but I found the process too tedious to keep at it. I do hope to contribute more to the History Commons in this and other areas, at some future time, but for the time being I have cancelled my obligations to them to focus on these other activities.

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