Thursday, September 25, 2008


First Posting
9/24/08, 2am
updated 9/28, 11 pm

Alright, so at the JREF, this "Turbofan" character has been making a lot of noise in Anti-Sophist's FDR thread, criticizing the "pros" there and acting as if he knows everything about Flight data recorders, and along the way hinting at the old Balsamo sticking-point, the refusal of sane people to debate him on the phone. Well, I'm only half-sane, and offered to accept his challenge on condition he send me two dozen homemade cranberry muffins. He unexpectedly took me up, and after a series of PMs where we started out actually haggling over the muffins, we decided on last night. I was at work, but took a break when he called, about 5:45pm, put the speakerphone on, and recorded my fairly down-key conversation with Tino, as he gives his true name. For those familiar with his on-screen persona, so remarkable arrogant and Balsamo-esque, his real-time discussion manner is so much more - Canadian. It's almost like two different people, and the Tino I talked with in fact knew little about FDRs, having only garnered his knowledge from talking with PfffT, and couldn't even cite the values that were so discrepant in the final frame of data. The audio turned out pretty decent, and as soon as I decide a good way to share it, and for good measure confirm his consent to do so, well, then I'll do so, and add some notes and stuff.
Here's the audio
Additional Notes: [apologies for being so slow. I'm fairly busy elsewhere these days]. Regarding the audio, the line noise came out worse than I though - unshielded cables, please try to ignore. I figure there's no point in arguing for a win with a sock puppet or irrational person who's simply set in their course; as Swift says, via Pomeroo, "you can't reason someone out of something he was never reasoned into." So I may come across soft, but hardness hardly seemed necessary against this underwhelming opponent, and I was speaking to the (hypothetical) reasonable person inside who's ready to stop being led astray. Other notes later.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your typical Rob Balsamo errand boy who is incapable of thinking for himself. What's his expertise exactly?

Caustic Logic said...

Auto repair, it seems, with some kind of electrical inclination. He does seem to know a bit about circuits. He posts a good deal about FDRs and other issues he can't really know much about. It's hard to say how direct his tips are - is he 'learning' stuff at the PffT forum and then posting that, or is it more direct? Reading along, I've often wondered if he was getting his posts e-mailed to him by a distant reader.

Talking to him in person, he seems much less sure of himself, and ignorant or slow on facts he's just shot out in type.

So yeah, errand boy seems like a pretty good assessment. Something along those lines.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you debate Balsamo yourself instead of his "errand boy", Frustrated Fraud?

Better yet, why don't you contact the witnesses you claim are disinfo agents spreading the NoC psy-op and confront them about it? haha

Caustic Logic said...

Well, I only got into this mood recently. Tino was challenging people right where I was... has Rob been trying to debate me? I've never turned him down that I recall. He's never asked, but he does know how to reach me.

Citizen Investigation Team said...

Screw that how about round 3 with CIT?

We've got a lot of new evidence to talk about that you claim you refuse to even look at.


Sunday good for you?

Caustic Logic said...

Nope. I'm done dealing with you guys direct. If you call I'll hang up. Call me "running scared" if that makes you happy.

Anonymous said...

Rob is not interested in an open and honest debate. He's more interested in selling DVD's, hats, t-shirts and whatever he can make a quick buck off. When there is a debate he sends one of his brain dead followers like turbofan.

Anonymous said...

Suprised craig would comment. It take's away from quality time with Aldo.

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