Wednesday, October 22, 2008


CIT amping up the crazy – nastier witness attacks

[copied over from a JREF thread]

With CIT “to ignore or not to ignore” has been the question. But I’ve just seen some insanity that sharpens the question. Since their flyover witness turned out to be simply toying with the boys, and their miraculous list of 13 NoC witnesses was achieved by including six copies of the same perspective error, the next step was clear: amp up the attacks on those witnesses who can’t even arguably fit their theory. Two cases are worthy of mention.
They’re preparing to release another video of “CIT's latest encounter” with Lloyd England, the elderly cab driver who was nearly killed when something smashed through his windshield right on the “official flight path.” I’ve kept somewhat quiet on their attacks against him, perhaps because it’s too obvious and oft-noticed – a leading edge persistent bad move. Aldo whines:

[...] we have also had to endure a campaign that has painted us as evil-doers who attacked a poor old man, accusing him of being a mass murderer involved in Pentagon attack when nothing could be further from the truth.
Orly? Please explain.
It is clear to us that he knows what he did and […] he is trying to confuse and cover up this incident while he slips in ambiguous references to how 'big' this operation was.

Oh, well that's... quite... different... from what the smear "campaign" said? This is getting spooky. Aldo is soliciting members at the gang’s forum for "thoughts on Lloyd England and his involvement in the Pentagon attack." This is the second half of the post, which you have to read to even glimpse the depths these loons are dangling over.

It will be clear to anyone who has been following this saga, and who has the attention span, that this man is not telling the truth.

When you watch this footage he may make you angry. We ask that you please view the entire presentation and think about the fact that the plane has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have flown on the north side of the Citgo. Again, the implications of this are far-reaching and land right at Lloyd's doorstep since he is the primary one who would have explaining to do.

I can assure you this will be the wildest ride yet in relation to our ongoing investigation. I am sure a lot of you may leave with some sort of sadness or anxiety after watching this presentation, because it will be clear to all who and what we are dealing with. In some sense, I have even felt sorry for Lloyd because it is clear to him and anyone watching, that he knows he is caught and is guilty. I am still in shock over what I watched and heard in these interviews.

I am looking for constructive discussion/feedback on how you feel about Lloyd and what type of light you think he should be portrayed in. I am also looking for solutions/suggestions on how we can get this man or his interviews and our evidence in front of gov't investigators. To be honest, at this point you would have all you need to march into your local representative's office and demand action.

Your participation is appreciated.
Get your Guy Fawkes masks ready, it's a-comin! Good thing they took it right to a legal laevel, it was starting to seem like they were hoping someone would demand answers in blood at Lloyd's literal doorstep. Just so we're clear, CIT has issued no such fatwa.
Madlene Zakhem, the suspicious south-path testifying Crypto-Jew (their characterization) is hashed over publicly again. Her “bizarre behavior” is finally enunciated – she had her arms crossed and seemed “stand-offish” in her interview, and later cut the lines of communication with the CIT. Oh man, this is sooo juicy… She cut them off right after this e-mail from August 6 2007:

I hope you remember us. We visited your office in August of 2006 with Russell Pickering and conducted an impromptu, unrecorded interview in front of the VDOT/STC where you claim you saw the plane fly over.

We returned after that debating and discussing the information we had obtained. Subsequently, we parted ways with Mr. Pickering.

Mr. Pickering is now publically stating that yourself and the late Mr. Christopher Landis said we were "creepy". This is clearly a problem if you did not say this, as it casts doubt on our integrity and credibility as researchers/filmakers.

Of course, Mr. Landis cannot speak for himself. […]
Cut-in for context: Christopher “Kit” Landis was another VDOT employee, who had given CIT the disc with high res Jason Ingersoll photos. They later noted “he wasn't able to give us specific answers” about the suspicious light poles, and “was notably nervous during our questions.” After this, “Christopher Landis committed suicide,” which they found “an extremely strange and suspicious twist that we can only pray is a coincidence,” but probably not, since it happened “about a week after we had obtained the CITGO witnesses testimony on film.” [source] So, a recently dead guy she knew, however well, is dragged into the conversation. Perhaps awkward... Luckily it was only in passing...
[…] But we feel it is appropriate that you shed some light on this matter as we feel that we treated both you and Mr. Landis fairly and with respect in the limited interactions that we had with you. In fact, we met with Mr. Landis for only a few minutes and said very little while waiting for the CD of photos he was burning for us.

Can you please explain what we did that was considered "creepy" or can you please clarify, for the record, what you told Russell Pickering that would cause him to arrive at this conclusion? Frankly, we believe he is making this up for his own reasons.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Aldo Marquis and Craig Ranke
Citizen Investigation Team
Her response could have been ‘what’s creepy? THAT? And YOU! And it’s getting worse!" But she was more calm, and stating in part:
You are in error and proceeding upon a false assumption. […] I decline your request and I assume that you will not pursue this frivolous claim any further. Any further writing would constitute an unfair burden on me. My desire is to "put these things to rest."”

Too little too late, lady. Aldo's brilliant mind summed up the questions thus:
Is Madlene merely an opportunist who wanted attention for what she claimed was a traumatic event? Was Madlene drastically mistaken? Unlikely. Or is Madlene an operative of some sort?

I have made comments about her jewish sounding last name and possible Israeli accent. Is there a possibility she is Mossad? Perhaps. But one thing is for sure. She certainly was not telling the truth about what she saw on 9/11.

I'm getting the feeling we may just see CIT's evidence in a coutroom someday - as an insanity plea defense.


Anonymous said...

"I have made comments about her jewish...."

Hey Aldo, the cleaners called. Your white robe and hood won't be ready till tommorow.

Anonymous said...

That is why I take extreme care to protect the identities and privacy of most of the witnesses I have talked to in Arlington, with the exception of police officers who would love to give the CIT boys an interview now.

These guys have got something seriously wrong with them.

Caustic Logic said...

"Hey Aldo, the cleaners called. Your white robe and hood won't be ready till tommorow."

Ouch. He's got black and Puerto Rican blood or something, mang. Now I'm reminded of a certain Dave Chapelle sketch. No, this is just classic paranoid stuff - NWO, masonic, Israeli, anti-Christ, bottomless pit shit.

Caustic Logic said...

"That is why I take extreme care to protect the identities and privacy of most of the witnesses I have talked to in Arlington, with the exception of police officers who would love to give the CIT boys an interview now.

These guys have got something seriously wrong with them."

Good idea. They're bringing up all of Lloyd's legal issues and family business and dirty laundry now, looking for clues of how he was brought into the operation.

I'm curious about these cops who want to talk to the CIT. I think it's about to that point anyway. Wildest ride yet... Dear Sweet Buddha

Anonymous said...

"Good idea. They're bringing up all of Lloyd's legal issues and family business and dirty laundry now, looking for clues of how he was brought into the operation."

They should be carefull what they wish for. Everyone has something in the past or current life they would rather not come to light. I have no doubt that Craig and Aldo have plenty of things they would rather keep quiet.

Anonymous said...

Gee how predictable.

John Farmer the spook/Gov't (dis)info conduit. Didn't you just burst onto the scene with all kinds of fancy credentials(that don't exist) as soon as CIT unveiled these new witnesses on video? Then you tried to attack the witnesses and their credibility, then you "believed them", then you tried blending in with CIT acting like you were on their side. Then you weren't. Then CIT was the disinfo op according to you. Then they were priased by you for getting the ANC witnesses. Then your FOIA's start pouring in gov't data to reinforce the very bullshit CIT had pulled the veil back on. You're a spook Farmer and Adam Larson has to be one too. No two people can be this intelligent, and claim they want the truth, yet be this dumb, slimy, deceptive, manipulative...and most importantly, this dedicated. Either way, it is just the two of you, your barely read blogs and some anonymous Jrefer. Big f'n deal.

Farmer you have no witnesses and why haven't your police officers contacted CIT? More importantly, why haven't YOU put them in contact with CIT?

Because you are a lying spook traitor trying to infiltrate, confuse, and discredit...

More proof here:

Anonymous said...

Reading the LCF forums Aldo and Craig's sickness is becoming even more apparent. One word, LITHIUM!